Garden party for Slovak Society in Norway - June 2000

Here are some pictures from the party - click on one to see it enlarged

Vlado Branko

Last modified December 2003.

copyright 2000-2009 © Vlado Branko

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<% on error resume next ' Create a server object set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") ' Target the text file to be opened set act = fso.opentextfile(server.mappath("asp_counte.txt")) ' Read the value of the text document ' If the text document does not exist then the on error resume next ' will drop down to the next line counter = clng(act.readline) ' Add one to the counter counter = counter + 1 ' Close the object act.close ' Create a new text file on the server Set act = fso.CreateTextFile(server.mappath("asp_counte.txt"), true) ' Write the current counter value to the text document act.WriteLine(counter) ' Close the object act.Close ' Write the counter to the browser as text Response.Write counter %>
since November, 2002
Pictures on this page are published without prior consent of the persons depicted on the photographs. Persons who do not agree with the pictures published, please take a contact with me. I will change the page accordingly. Thank you.

Nórsko-slovenský spolok / Norsk-slovakisk forening   Skogbrynet 39 D, 0283 Oslo, Norge   Org. nr. 985 222 398